School Staff

Leadership Team Job Title
Mrs Sarah Hall Executive Headteacher
Mr Lee Farrand Deputy Headteacher
Miss Anna French Assistant Headteacher
Mrs Lynsey Baxter Assistant Headteacher & SENCO
Mrs Vikki Eggleton Director of SEND and Inclusion
Mrs Molly Fletcher Director of Curriculum & Learning
Ms Zoe Rucroft Director of Phonics & Reading


Class Teacher
F1 Miss Anna French & Mrs Natalie Binns
F2 Ms Nicola Hutt & Mrs Samantha Brown
Y1 Miss Sarah Hennigan
Y2 Mrs Shelley Whitfield
Y2 Miss Millie Brown
Y3 Mrs Natalie Roberts
Y3 Miss Louise Jackson
Y4 Mrs Sam Brady
Y5 Mrs Hayley Potter
Y5 Mr Cameron Jones
Y6 Mr Ben Thomas
Y6 Mr Lee Farrand & Mrs Shona Sanders



Support Staff Job Title
Mrs Joanne Whitfield Senior Administration Assistant
Mrs Jemma Cuttell Senior Administration Assistant
Mrs Jade Chowings Inclusion Support Assistant
Mr Alan Marshall Site Supervisor
Mr John England Senior Achievement Support Assistant
Mrs Anna Fleet Senior Achievement Support Assistant
Mrs Brigid Stent Senior Achievement Support Assistant
Ms Charlene Andrews Senior Achievement Support Assistant
Mrs Deborah Allen Achievement Support Assistant
Ms Jane Austin Achievement Support Assistant
Mrs Lisa Cheetham Achievement Support Assistant / Breakfast Club Assistant
Miss Karen Dennis Achievement Support Assistant
Miss Kerry Hodgkiss Achievement Support Assistant
Miss Gemma Oldknow Achievement Support Assistant
Mrs Sarah Rafferty Achievement Support Assistant
Mrs Louise Smith Achievement Support Assistant
Mrs Michelle Morris Achievement Support Assistant / After School Club Assistant
Miss Vicky Ebbage Achievement Support Assistant
Miss Taylor Meakin Achievement Support Assistant
Mrs Billie-Leigh Abbott Achievement Support Assistant
Mrs Grace Stevenson Achievement Support Assistant
Miss Aishia Palmer Achievement Support Assistant
Mrs Charlotte Abbott Achievement Support Assistant
Mrs Sharon Fawcett School Cook
Mrs Sarah Hill Breakfast Club Supervisor / General Kitchen Assistant
Miss Paula Jenkins General Kitchen Assistant
Ms Lisa Fox Breakfast Club Assistant / Dining Room Supervisor / After School Club Assistant
Mrs Lynne Stent Dining Room Assistant
Mrs Susan Pickering Dining Room Assistant
Mrs Wendy Wheeler Dining Room Assistant
Mrs Paula Monniez Dining Room Assistant
Mrs Samantha Davidson Dining Room Assistant
Mrs Kerry Wilson Dining Room Assistant
Mrs Toni Simmonite Dining Room Assistant

Promotion of Values: Pupils learn about diversity and British values through various activities and demonstrate positive attitudes and respect for others. The school also encourages community involvement, such as the choir singing in residential homes and helping at the local food bank.

Governance and Leadership: Trustees and governors are skilled and committed, regularly visiting the school and maintaining an accurate picture of its operations to ensure continued improvement.

Overall Effectiveness: The school is rated “Good” in all categories, including quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision.

Curriculum and Learning: The curriculum is well-considered, building on previous learning to deepen understanding. While assessment systems need improvement, the school’s overall approach helps in identifying and supporting pupils’ needs.

Reading and Phonics: The school is committed to ensuring all pupils learn to read. Effective training and support for teachers, along with appropriate reading materials and catch-up sessions, help pupils read accurately and confidently.

Support for SEND: The school effectively identifies and supports pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), involving parents in the assessment process and adapting lessons to help these pupils build new knowledge.

Extracurricular Activities: There is a wide range of clubs available, such as football, rugby, forest school, and choir, which help develop pupils’ talents and interests.

Safeguarding: The school has effective safeguarding arrangements, creating an open and positive culture that prioritises pupils’ interests.

School Environment: The academy is described as a warm and welcoming place where pupils feel safe and happy. Respectful and positive relationships are central to the school’s environment.

Positive Behaviour: Changes in how behaviour is managed have helped pupils reflect on their feelings and make better choices. This has resulted in positive behaviour during lessons and playtimes.

Anti-Bullying: Pupils respect each other, believe in the school’s values, and feel confident that any issues, including bullying, would be resolved quickly by adults.

Early Years Provision: The early years setting promotes positive relationships and collaboration among children. Adults model effective communication and use assessment well to engage children in their learning.

High Expectations and Progress: The school sets high expectations for all pupils, which are being met. Parents appreciate the support and information provided by the staff and are pleased with the progress their children make.