A Venn Academy Trust School
– Together we will…
Venn is a pioneering academy trust, committed to building educational environments where all pupils are inspired to become lifelong learners who achieve the very highest standards possible.
Collaborating with all partners, the Trust works with its unique settings to create world class learning experiences for all.
At Brooke Primary Academy it is our intent to deliver high quality opportunities that promote the children’s physical development, emotional development and good health through a variety of activities before, during and after the school day. It also our intent to provide a broad range of engaging activities that inspire the children to strive to improve their skills, increase their fitness, pursue their interests and achieve their personal best.
- Children participate in high quality PE lessons, supported by specialist staff, once a week covering two different sports per term.
- Teacher’s use and adapt IPEP and KIXX planning to ensure lessons across years show progression.
- The children take part in end of unit celebration activities linked to the IPEP units such as Football and Basketball year group tournaments.
- Teacher’s assess children against the learning targets set within IPEP or the key objectives within the KIXX planning.
- Teacher’s use ‘Super Movers’ and other movement based learning activities within many different lessons.
- Children attend swimming lessons in Year 5 and continue within Year 6 if they have not yet achieved expected standards.
- Physical activities are available to children at breakfast, lunch and after-school clubs.
- All Key Stage 1 and 2 children can participate in sports related lunchtime and after school clubs including: football, rugby and dance.
- The school celebrates Healthy Living Week annually. The children engage in different workshops, activities and sports.
- The children are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the Local Area, such as the EFL Kids Cup at Doncaster Rovers Stadium.
- Each year a small group of Year 6 children become Playground Leaders. They are used as sporting role models for the younger children and assist with break and lunchtime activities.
- Each year eight Year 6 children are chosen as House Captains, they assist with sporting events such as our Sponsored Athlete Event and Sports Day.
Further information and resources
Extracurricular Activities: There is a wide range of clubs available, such as football, rugby, forest school, and choir, which help develop pupils’ talents and interests.
Overall Effectiveness: The school is rated “Good” in all categories, including quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision.
High Expectations and Progress: The school sets high expectations for all pupils, which are being met. Parents appreciate the support and information provided by the staff and are pleased with the progress their children make.
Safeguarding: The school has effective safeguarding arrangements, creating an open and positive culture that prioritises pupils’ interests.
Early Years Provision: The early years setting promotes positive relationships and collaboration among children. Adults model effective communication and use assessment well to engage children in their learning.
Support for SEND: The school effectively identifies and supports pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), involving parents in the assessment process and adapting lessons to help these pupils build new knowledge.
Anti-Bullying: Pupils respect each other, believe in the school’s values, and feel confident that any issues, including bullying, would be resolved quickly by adults.
School Environment: The academy is described as a warm and welcoming place where pupils feel safe and happy. Respectful and positive relationships are central to the school’s environment.
Positive Behaviour: Changes in how behaviour is managed have helped pupils reflect on their feelings and make better choices. This has resulted in positive behaviour during lessons and playtimes.
Governance and Leadership: Trustees and governors are skilled and committed, regularly visiting the school and maintaining an accurate picture of its operations to ensure continued improvement.
Promotion of Values: Pupils learn about diversity and British values through various activities and demonstrate positive attitudes and respect for others. The school also encourages community involvement, such as the choir singing in residential homes and helping at the local food bank.
Curriculum and Learning: The curriculum is well-considered, building on previous learning to deepen understanding. While assessment systems need improvement, the school’s overall approach helps in identifying and supporting pupils’ needs.
Reading and Phonics: The school is committed to ensuring all pupils learn to read. Effective training and support for teachers, along with appropriate reading materials and catch-up sessions, help pupils read accurately and confidently.